What Children of Divorce Really Care About


While parents may be focused on their own emotional struggles, it is important for parents going through a divorce or separation to prioritize their children's emotional well-being. Conflict and negative emotions can be very damaging for children, and it is important for parents to work through their own feelings and focus on creating a positive, nurturing relationship with their children.

Good co-parenting classes can help parents learn to communicate effectively and put their children's needs first. Children of divorce want to feel loved and supported by both parents, and they need emotional support to work through their own feelings of anger, confusion, sadness, and grief. All that children care about is the love and attention they receive from both parents, such as who makes them dinner, who plays with them, who cheers them on, and who is there for them when they need emotional support. These are but a few of the things that children care about. Children do not care about adult issues such as child support, marital disputes, or personal opinions about an ex-spouse. It is important for parents to avoid putting their children in the middle of their conflicts or trying to get them to take sides. Overall, the well-being of children should always be the top priority for co-parents.

Reach out to Knoxville attorney Jodi Loden for a free 30-minute initial consultation about your family law matter by contacting a friendly staff member online at Jodi Loden, or at (865) 424-7225.